I am a DONA certified Labor Doula, certified Lactation Counselor, Lamaze childbirth educator and Licensed Social Worker. I have attended over 85 births as a doula throughout New York City since 2013 and I'm part of the NYC Doula Collective. Whether you're planning on delivering at a hospital, birth center or at home (and no matter what course labor takes) I believe that by creating a safe and supportive space and listening deeply to the body, a woman can truly accomplish anything. 

I obtained my B.A. in Gender Studies (specializing in Women’s Health) from Kenyon College. I worked with the non-profit outreach organization, The Body Positive, in Berkeley, CA leading group workshops on intuitive eating, positive embodiment and self-care. After obtaining my Masters in Social Work from NYU, I studied psychoanalytic and social theories, at The Women's Therapy Center Institute in NYC, that explore relationships to food and embodiment. During that time I launched Body Stories, a project to collect and share personal accounts of body experience as they relate to health, weight and beauty. 

