I lead supportive and psycho-educational groups to help people better understand their food and body thoughts and foster a more harmonious relationship to eating. Additionally, I train care providers and birth workers to address weight stigma and move towards a size-inclusive practice. I have facilitated workshops for a range of individuals from middle-schoolers to adults. Please contact me if you’re interested in collaborating or bringing me to your space (virtually or otherwise). Topics include:
Weight stigma, fat phobia, thin privilege
Diet Culture
Body shame/dieting/disordered eating
Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size
Processing body stories
Pregnancy and maternal health
Past workshops at: NYC Doula Collective, Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York (CEAMNY), The New School Student Health Services Center, The Perinatal Connection
2018 Davidson Megan & Sarah Lewin. Dangerous Bodies: Imagining, Monitoring & Managing Fatness during Pregnancy. Bearing the Weight of the World: Exploring Maternal Embodiment. Demeter Press.
2018 Davidson Megan, Sarah Lewin. Eating For Two: The Fear and Threat of Fatness in Pregnancy. Fat Moms, Fat Kids: Exploring Motherhood and Fatphobia. Demeter Press.
2017 National Eating Disorders Association Blog:
“5 Ways to De-center Weight in Your Prenatal Care” “Navigating Pregnancy as a Fat Woman”
“Talking Back to Popular Myths About Your Postpartum Body”
2016 Well Rounded NY “7 Steps to a Body Positive Birth Experience”
2015 Lewin, Sarah. A Doula for the Mother and the Self: Exploring the intersections of birth and body culture. Doulas and Intimate Labour: Boundaries, Bodies and Birth. Demeter Press.